Monday, July 04, 2005

Chance ---> Nature <--- Fate

I just link few words as my title. Nothing special!!

When you meet someone in certain places (e.g person A meets person B in one shop while shopping), is it because of the chances of meeting is high? Chance is not intentionally done, unpredictable!! In my opinion, I assume that it happens because of the nature of two ppl. There is chemistry existed between two ppl, the pattern is there and the waves are in the same phase. Other factors are taking place too, like the country is small with little shops. Since they only have limited places to go, so the chances of two ppl going randomly at any palce and finally meet at certain places is high.

Then, what if the country is so big? Many ppl? Meet unexpectedly (like meet in jungle)? Eg. I don't know you (you don't know me) but you're reading my blog, two ppl return from the same party but they didn't see (not intentionally) each other. Aha!.. this is because of their fate. Can't run away, it is their destiny.

But the question is, which one is which, chance or fate?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm vas...i duno wat to say really...if two person who doesn't noe each other and meet at some place i think it's already destined...everything that happens in our lives, happens for a i like sg...why do i like him??? It's destiny...i meant it's meant to be la...sheesh..i duno wat im talking bout...

- zat

Wednesday, April 05, 2006 11:07:00 AM  

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