Friday, November 11, 2005


I'm very lazy to update this blog. I have many things to say but they're not general knowledge. I remember when I was small, in primary school, there was a language called G-Language. It's not like C, C++ or Java or Jawa. Infact, this language is a modification of malay language or malay-like language. The letter G only affects the consonant but not the vowel. Let me put some examples. I'm sure most of you have used or heard this language before.

Malay --> Malay G-Language
"ayam" = "agayagam"
"ku" = "kugu"
"ada" = agadaga"
"di" = "digi"
"miri" = "migirigi"

Pattern Formula,

Let c be consonant
Let v be vowel
Let g be constant consonant

1. (cv) --> (cv+gv)
e.g hi --> higi

2. (cvv) --> (cv + gvv)
e.g hoi --> hogoi

3. (cvc) --> (cv+gvc)
e.g bom --> bogom

Looks like discrete maths.. :-D.


Blogger Unknown said...

actually, this is what we learn in linguistics. to figure out where a syllable ends.

Monday, November 14, 2005 12:53:00 AM  
Blogger Tina D said...

My cousins and I stopped using this when guys started to smile widely when we say, "Gigilaga, lagawaga lagakigi lagakigi agatugu" or, simply, "KIGIYUGUT!!!!"

Sigh. Yes, we stopped. We just give each other facial expressions that other people's naked eyes can't see. Hehe.

Monday, November 14, 2005 9:17:00 PM  
Blogger duolulu said...

Linguistic and discrete maths are related.

It's better to say
"Pheghewigitt!! Agabagang kigiyugut.. legeh kegenagalagan".


Monday, November 14, 2005 10:06:00 PM  
Blogger amyheidi said...

believe it or not, sometimes I still don't get the G-language... hehehe... and now there's a new thing called Z-language, you change G to Z... more complicated coz sometimes it just sounds like buzzing to you

Saturday, December 03, 2005 11:55:00 PM  

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