You know ( and you should know otherwise ure not internet user), internet users, especially bruneian, almost all have friendster account. The network is so huge and u can find unexpected person. I found out in UBD browser history list, almost every pc log into friendster website <= use of ictc is for friendster, pandai-pandai.
Giving ur friends testimonial is sound good and ur friends want u to praise them saja, :-D. Friendster idea is to meet new/old friends is good but people only add you if only (mostly) you have pretty/cute pics. So the concept is, "be my friend only if ure pretty!!". Unfair!! and person like me (or maybe u) is kesian, :-D.
Giving ur friends testimonial is sound good and ur friends want u to praise them saja, :-D. Friendster idea is to meet new/old friends is good but people only add you if only (mostly) you have pretty/cute pics. So the concept is, "be my friend only if ure pretty!!". Unfair!! and person like me (or maybe u) is kesian, :-D.