Sunday, August 21, 2005


You know ( and you should know otherwise ure not internet user), internet users, especially bruneian, almost all have friendster account. The network is so huge and u can find unexpected person. I found out in UBD browser history list, almost every pc log into friendster website <= use of ictc is for friendster, pandai-pandai.

Giving ur friends testimonial is sound good and ur friends want u to praise them saja, :-D. Friendster idea is to meet new/old friends is good but people only add you if only (mostly) you have pretty/cute pics. So the concept is, "be my friend only if ure pretty!!". Unfair!! and person like me (or maybe u) is kesian, :-D.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Indian Vs Chinese

This is title really duol ulu.

I don't want to say much. I just wonder who will win if Chinese compete with Indian ppl in fighting. If u watch Chinese movie or drama, u can see they have qi gong, which enable them to fly or make their body lighter. They could catch bullet, and many super power la.. like the one in anime. Different like in Indian movie, they don't have super power, but their are so strong (kabal). It seems that they're immortal. They got shot by many bullets but still not dying. So the question is, who will win?