Friday, September 30, 2005

Only One Might Survive

Actually I want to write about 'miss call' but somebody I know has written about it. So I'm thinking to write about 'miss call' next time.

'brick' looked like hp was quite popular in early 90s. Those who own one, it means they're rich!! It is bulky and heavy but the owner would feel proud of it. Only businessman could afford to have it. The 'brick' hp line was provided by JTB and it didn't use SIM card. I'm not quite sure what generation was it, maybe 1G. But the hp line was easily got hacked!!

Let me summarize all,
1. JTB used 1G (no longer exist)
2. DST (the leech) uses 2.xG (GSM)
3. B-mobile uses 3G

Since b-mobile comes to Brunei market, now DST is in unsafe situation. More and more people are switching to b-mobile and left DST!! Btw, I'm still using DST line.. sooner, I'll left DST as well :-D. And who knows maybe DST will come to extinct like JTB hp line.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

School Games

I want to list out school games that we used to play when teachers were not around.

Primary School
1. sekupung
2. lastik keratas
3. guli
4. gatah
5. cara kaki
6. tomiya
7. simban
8. gymnastik belakang sekulah
9. polis tangkap penyamun
10. kahwin (ada ka?)

Secondary School
1. bula tin
2. lastik pen
3. air-gun
4. gusti
5. tamaguchi

Form 6
1. lap lap too

1. N/A

Anything left out? I think the games list are decreasing as we grow up.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


"Ada" said Dr Nwabueze. Ok, Dr Nwabueze is a great lecturer.

Hospital is a place to cure illness (or gain illness). Food provided in hospital is a heathy diet (maybe). Take RIPAS hospital as an example. I walked to one of the ward. On my way, I saw teenagers were fashion their selves. Nothing wrong with that, a good starting of my journey, :-). I entered the elevator, the elevator knows how to speak.. great!! (sakai) I reached the ward, I saw each patient bed had many visitors. They brought fruits/food/ (no flowers like I saw in movie). The person who was sick couldn't eat. No 'selera'. It's a usual situation, only when you're sick people will care/concern. Before when the patient was healthy, "I want to eat durian", no one bother to buy. Hehe.. unlogical story.

Ok, the nurses like to give advices of healthy diet. I see many nurses are not suitable as our role model. I sat in RIPAS canteen. Most of them bought so called 'unhealthy' food. Food in RIPAS canteen is not nyaman.

We can enter the ward at 'any' time, not following to the hospital's regulation. It's good since it makes our visit time is longer. Only one thing I'm not satisfy with, why do we have to pay for the basement parking?

Ok, my conclusion is "hospital is a place to cure illness for patients but gain illness for visitors".

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Dr. Nwabueze Trick

Dr. Nwabueze came early to his lecture class. Usually he came late which was unusual for that day. And usually he came with his escort, three bodyguard. His bodyguard sat at the back lecture hall. They wore smart dress and if it's not at night time, some of them use black glasses. But unfortunately, despite of being early to class, not much students attended his class on that day. He had to cancel his class since it's no use to teach few students. Before he left the class, he showed a maths trick. He called a student to come infront and let that student wrote some number on the white board.

That student which was a girl wrote 3-digits number.

That girl wrote 135

Then, Dr. Nwabueze wrote 2133 on the right side of the white board. He told that student to wrote 3-digit number below it again.

That girl wrote 135
That girl wrote 888

Dr. Nwabueze wrote his no. below it.. and so and so.

That girl wrote 135
That girl wrote 888
Dr. Nwabueze wrote 111
That girl wrote 780
Dr. Nwabueze wrote 219

They wrote that 5 numbers in a short time and Dr. Nwabueze asked his students to calculate the total. Surprisingly, the ans was 2133!! The same number he wrote on the right side of the white board.

Ok, let me unlock his trick. The process works like this. Dr. Nwabueze minus the last digit with 2 and then add 2 infront of the whole digits.

Eg. 46623 (5-digit), the last digit is 3. So deduct 2 from it. It becomes 46621. Then add 2 infront of the whole digits. It becomes 246621. This is the ans. So ask anyone to write 5-digit no. again.

Anyone 46623
Anyone 12738

It's your turn to write 5-digit number. Make sure the total is 9 for every digit. It goes like this.

Anyone 46623
Anyone 12738
You 87261
Anyone 55613
You 44386

Ask them to sum up. Is it 246621? Such a wonderful trick.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Anynomous Stall

Minasan, do u guys ever seen anynomous stall?? The stall that u dunno the seller and the seller dunno u. I mean that both the seller and the buyers don't see (not blind hoi!!) each other face. So when u want to buy something from the stall, u just take the required item which is mostly food/fruits (e.g. ikan masin, belacan, durian) and then put your money to the provided box (not a steel box!) . Actually, honesty from both side is needed here.

The sellers have to trust the buyers, e.g
1. Buyers will pay to what they take.
2. No one will not take the money from the box.

We have this business system in UBD Fos, at Maths department building, on the 1st floor. I bought a burger and I put $1 to the given container. I dunno who is the owner since he/she was not there. From what I understand, it's sensible to do like that since we're living in Brunei (Abode of Peace, kali la). [Jangan saja yang dijual atu amas, tantu lanyap]